Exclusive! Prince Joachim tried to kiss his sister-in-law Crown Princess Mary in a 'drunken moment

Exclusive! Prince Joachim tried to kiss his sister-in-law Crown Princess Mary in a 'drunken moment

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Exclusive! Prince Joachim tried to kiss his sister-in-law Crown Princess Mary in a 'drunken moment

#princejoachim #princessmary #danishroyal

Prince Joachim of Denmark, Count of Monpezat, RE, SKmd is a member of the Danish royal family. The younger son of Queen Margrethe II, he is sixth in the line of succession to the Danish throne, following his elder brother, Crown Prince Frederik and his four children.

Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark, Countess of Monpezat, R.E. is the wife of Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark. Frederik is the heir apparent to the throne, which means that should he succeed, Mary will automatically become Queen consort of Denmark.

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