Dissecting the US Military's Challenges (Against China)

Dissecting the US Military's Challenges (Against China)

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Publish Date:
4 May, 2023
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To what extent is the United States of America prepared to maintain its military dominance? Has the war in Ukraine revealed any serious problems in the US military? Why do so many analysts in Washington suddenly seem uneasy?

Yes, the US military is the most powerful fighting force that has ever existed... However, the war in Ukraine has brought into focus some very significant weaknesses that are now generating a lot of concern.

In this video we are going to tell you exactly what the five great weaknesses of the military capacity of the United States of America are, the world's largest economic, political and military superpower.

Recommended video: The Weakness of the US Military https://youtu.be/ruSk-NUF8m8

#America #Military #VisualPolitik