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Putin's Russia is staying afloat despite the onslaught of Western sanctions. The ban on the export of key technologies to Russia has meant that it has had to reinvent its economic and productive fabric. Now, in the midst of its invasion of Ukraine, it is seeking to strengthen itself militarily in the hope of achieving its goal in the invaded country.
By dodging sanctions, increasing the national defense budget and investing in the arms industry, Russia seems to have managed to adapt to its new reality. Even IMF projections place it among the nations with economic growth, albeit modest. But is there a catch to this growth?
Where will it get the money to sustain its war efforts? To what extent will more defense spending lead to a better military? Can it solve its endemic problems? In this video we tell you.
Interesting links:
Massicot, Dara. 2022. "The Russian Military's People Problem." Foreign Affairs. At: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/russian-federation/2022-05-18/russian-militarys-people-problem
Massicot, Dara. 2023. "What Russia got wrong". Foreign Affairs. At: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/ukraine/what-russia-got-wrong-moscow-failures-in-ukraine-dara-massicot
Pavel, Luzin. 2022. "The Russian armed forces on steroids". The Jamestown Foundation. At: https://jamestown.org/program/the-russian-armed-forces-on-steroids/
VV.AA. 2023. "How Russia dodges oil sanctions on an industrial scale". The Economist. At: https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2023/01/29/how-russia-dodges-oil-sanctions-on-an-industrial-scale?gclid=Cj0KCQiA6fafBhC1ARIsAIJjL8l3WEUP8g0a82ixOFoprM0PmTbqHritSo-oivmqUwPa-BByjAsxmv8aAnNmEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
#Russia #Putin #Ukraine