1 MINUTE AGO : James Webb Telescope FINALLY Proved The Big Bang Theory Is Wrong!

1 MINUTE AGO : James Webb Telescope FINALLY Proved The Big Bang Theory Is Wrong!

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Publish Date:
4 May, 2023
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Michio Kaku Breaks Silence James Webb Telescope FINALLY PROVED Big Bang WRONG

We've always been curious whether there is life beyond Earth, but what if we told you that the likelihood of finding other life forms has increased more than ever? “It is so strong that it may have just annihilated our concept of the cosmos,” says Michio Kaku about JWST. We've all heard that the new James Webb Telescope can peer back in time to the early universe's birth, making it somewhat like a time machine. There have been six bizarre galaxies found that defy explanation. Six galaxies that are up to 10 times larger than the Milky Way galaxy are known to exist half a billion years after the big bang thanks to the James Webb Telescope. The James Webb Space Telescope wins two prizes for being the most powerful and expensive telescope ever made. The telescope is already making up for the absurd price, though, by giving us incredible images of space that we could never have. Join us as we talk about Michio Kaku breaking his silence on the clearest image ever captured by the James Webb telescope. So, what is this discovery about? How do scientists infer information from that image?