6 minutes ago: James Webb Telescope Just Did A Terrifying New Discovery

6 minutes ago: James Webb Telescope Just Did A Terrifying New Discovery

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Publish Date:
20 December, 2022
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The James Webb Space Telescope has the potential to answer a number of critical questions that have plagued researchers for more than fifty years. At the cost of $10 billion, it is one of the most costly megaprojects ever undertaken. Its capability is nothing less than to alter humanity's place in cosmic history, but it necessitates a variety of things to go perfect before becoming a reality. The James Webb Space Telescope continues to set new benchmarks for its ability to peek deeper into space and time, despite the fact that it has not been collecting data for really long. Data from the James Webb Space Telescope has confirmed the detection of the earliest and most distant galaxies ever seen by a telescope (JWST). Light from these galaxies was collected by the telescope during a period of more than..