James Webb Telescope Terrifying City Lights Discovery on Proxima!

James Webb Telescope Terrifying City Lights Discovery on Proxima!

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Humans have long conjured up images of what life might be like on distant
planets. And when the search for exoplanets entered its golden era, interest
in Earth 2.0, our planet's twin circling within the habitable zone of its star,
increased. However, searches have so far come up empty, forcing
researchers to employ some creative thinking to locate another possible
home for life in the universe.
That query can now be resolved thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope.
The most powerful telescope in the world will provide fresh resources to
answer the age-old question of whether or not there is life outside of Earth.
Join us as we explore James Webb's terrifying discovery of city lights that
changes everything!
The only life we are aware of so far is on Earth. People have questioned if
there is life in the universe since the dawn of civilization. The Search for
Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) project was started in 1984 by American
astronomers, Jill Tarter and Thomas Pierson, to conduct such interstellar