James Webb Telescope Unusual Discovery On WASP 96B SHOCKS Scientists

James Webb Telescope Unusual Discovery On WASP 96B SHOCKS Scientists

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Publish Date:
6 December, 2022
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Since the James Webb space telescope started studying exoplanets much similar to our planet Earth, it has made incredible discoveries that have not only baffled scientists but also provided insight into what life could look like on these planets.

Scientists have been looking for life forms on these distant worlds, but what the James Webb telescope discovered on WASP 96b has left scientists in shock.

So what exactly did the James Webb Telescope find there? Why have scientists developed so much interest in WASP 96B? How will this discovery reshape what we know about exoplanets and what it means for humanity?

In this video, we dive deep into the unusual discoveries by the James Webb Telescope on WASP 96B.

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