Developing A Social Media Strategy

Developing A Social Media Strategy

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Developing A Social Media Strategy

Still marketing your business like it's 1999? Mike Linehan of Social Media Strategies details why marketing will never be the same in a presentation to businesses on August 1, 2013. Only 3 of 40 in attendance admitted to using any social media lead generation for their business. Most businesses know they need to be on social media, but they lack the understanding of the most powerful and targeted direct lead generation available to them.

Discover the new dynamics of marketing your business, including;
what you need to know about social media today,
what the one true thing social media is about,
a lead generation demonstration, and
developing your business social media strategy.

Presentation topics and time references:
1:08 Evolution of Business Marketing
9:03 The State of Social Media
19:36 Developing A Social Media Strategy
22:03 Social Media Best Practices

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