20 Foods SHORTAGES That Will Happen Before 2024

20 Foods SHORTAGES That Will Happen Before 2024

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Hey preppers, today we discuss '20 Food Shortages That Could Happen Before 2024,' a hot topic based on solid data and current trends. The shortages we'll cover range from staples like rice, affected by climate change and supply chain disruptions, to chicken, threatened by rising costs and diseases. Fruits, nuts, honey, fish, spices, chocolate, sugar, cheese, eggs, pasta, olive oil, wine, peanuts, tea, lentils, soy, salt, and even water are all at potential risk due to various factors, including climate change, overfishing, pollution, overconsumption, and geopolitical instability. We'll delve into the reasons for each potential shortage and offer mitigation strategies, such as growing your own food, exploring alternatives, supporting local producers, and preserving or fermenting food.