The Hunger Games: Surviving the Global Food Crisis of 2041

The Hunger Games: Surviving the Global Food Crisis of 2041

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Publish Date:
1 April, 2024
World News
Video License
Standard License
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In 2041, the world witnessed a catastrophic disruption of global food production due to climate change and ecological issues. Frequent droughts, floods, and extreme weather events wreaked havoc on agriculture, leading to food shortages, global famine, and resource conflicts. Watch how societies crumbled, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction. 🌾🌍 #GlobalFoodCrisis #FoodSecurity #ClimateChange"
#GlobalFoodCrisis #FoodSecurity #ClimateChange #SustainableAgriculture #AdaptationToClimate #AgriculturalCrisis #HungerCrisis #FamineImpact #EcologicalDisruption #ResourceConflicts #FoodShortages #HumanitarianCrisis #SurvivingFamine #ClimateResilience #AgriculturalInnovation #SocietalCollapse #ClimateChaos #FoodForSurvival #CrisisResponse #ClimateAdaptation

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