It's The Same Universe Again" James Webb Telescope Spots Strange Galaxies Older Than The Big Bang..

It's The Same Universe Again" James Webb Telescope Spots Strange Galaxies Older Than The Big Bang..

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It's The Same Universe Again" James Webb Telescope Spots Strange Galaxies Older Than The Big Bang..

Until now, the birth of the Universe happened millions and billions of light years away from us; time traces back to no more recently than a few centuries after Hubble. Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) — detects light that can find ancient stars & galaxies This means that the telescope can “look back in time” by focusing on how long it takes for light from those objects to reach us.

We'll explore the latest news from NASA, the thrilling discoveries of the James Webb Space Telescope, and SpaceX's role in space exploration. We'll also learn how the Voyager spacecraft voyages through the infinite cosmos and how the Hubble Space Telescope has unveiled cosmic secrets.

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