20 Foods That Will Double In Price This Summer!

20 Foods That Will Double In Price This Summer!

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Publish Date:
8 July, 2023
World News
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Currently, grocery prices are surging by 50% compared to last year, and certain items may even experience steeper increases. Extreme weather conditions have significantly affected the availability of groceries, disrupting crop cultivation and causing costly food inflation. Here are 20 food items that could potentially be twice as expensive as last year: soybeans, tea, onions, potatoes, honey, beef, strawberries, garlic, peanuts, pork, bread, apples, milk, chocolate, cheese, rice, coffee, poultry, tomatoes, and eggs. These increases are projected to be around 10-15% for most items, except for coffee, which may rise by 15-20%. Labor shortages, rising wages, transportation costs, and high global demand are contributing factors. We kindly request your support by liking and subscribing to our channel for future updates.