The Global Food Crisis Just Continues To Intensify And Things Are Going To Get Really Bad In 2023

The Global Food Crisis Just Continues To Intensify And Things Are Going To Get Really Bad In 2023

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Many people won't be able to stomach the shocking news we're about to report in this video. But we must face the fact that we're not being told the whole truth. The global food crisis that is about to burst in 2023 is going to be far worse than most people dare to imagine, and those in a position of power are purposely leaving us in the dark so we don't have an idea of the true scale of the danger we're facing. But it's time we unveil the facts and understand just how bad the situation is about to get. The term “perfect storm” doesn’t even begin to define the extent of the disaster that is brewing right now. That’s why we’re trying to sound the alarm about this as loudly as we can – and maybe you should start doing that, too.
A week ago, the UN World Food Program issued an urgent call for action to address the root cause of this crisis, noting that the entire world is at risk of yet another year of record hunger. The report also notes that the fact that this is happening at the time we’re moving towards a global economic recession makes everything exponentially worse. In several countries, governments’ ability to respond is constrained by their own economic woes, such as currency depreciation, inflation, and debt distress.
Many of us haven’t seen hunger spreading so rapidly in our lifetime. At this very moment, there are large numbers of people that are now facing starvation in the backyard of the United States. Local reports reveal that in Haiti hunger is at catastrophic levels and the country is at a breaking point. As UN officials noted in a recent study, what’s happening in developing nations right now is a “sneak peek” at what life will be like in America and Europe when food shortages and food inflation start to become really oppressive in the months ahead. But the western world won’t care until they are going hungry themselves. The problem is that given the pace at which conditions are deteriorating, that day may be a lot closer than a lot of people ever imagined.
In Europe, skyrocketing natural gas prices led to the shutdown of more than two-thirds of all fertilizer production capacity. That’s extremely alarming because without fertilizer we would only be able to feed approximately half of the global population. Meanwhile, crazy global weather patterns and the worst drought of the century are absolutely devastating agricultural production. Data compiled by the Washington Post revealed that “more than 80 percent of the U.S. is facing troubling dry conditions” right now.
We must wake up to the fact that those in positions of power don’t really care about finding a solution to our problems, but we don’t have to say that. You know that already. Sadly, this all means that at the end of the day, there isn’t going to be nearly enough food for everyone on the planet in 2023, and millions upon millions of deeply suffering individuals will soon be desperately hungry.

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