What if the Internet Stopped Forever? 🌍 | A World Without the Internet!

What if the Internet Stopped Forever? 🌍 | A World Without the Internet!

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What would happen if the internet stopped working permanently after just one day? 🌐 In this thought-provoking scenario, we explore the devastating global impact. Facebook and Google lose over 300 million in ad revenue instantly, while businesses around the world come to a screeching halt. Within a week, power grids and gas pipelines collapse, leaving entire countries in darkness. One month later, gas stations run dry, food supplies halt, and riots erupt worldwide. 🚨 After one year, over a billion lives are lost to starvation, cold, and chaos, as the global economy plunges back to the 1930s. πŸ“‰ How would humanity survive in a world without the internet? Could we ever recover? Explore this shocking vision of a future without the web and find out what society might look like. Don’t forget to Like, Share, and Subscribe for more eye-opening 'What if' scenarios! 🌟

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