Will the war in Ukraine worsen global food shortages? | Inside Story

Will the war in Ukraine worsen global food shortages? | Inside Story

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Russia's invasion of Ukraine has upended the flow of food, fuel and money around the world.

The U.N. warns the conflict's cascading effects could have an impact on nearly 1.7 billion people.

That's because Russia and Ukraine are major food and energy suppliers.

Prices for food, crude oil and fertiliser have reached record highs.

So, what are the solutions?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom


Abdolreza Abbassian - Senior Food Market Analyst and former Head Senior Economist, FAO.

Parvin Ngala - Regional Director, Oxfam International in Horn, East & Central Africa.

Chris Weafer – Chief Executive Officer, Macro Advisory.

#Ukraine #Russia

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